June 10th Scores and NEW BB Certified Shooters

We started setting up the match in very unfavourable weather conditions!  But we can’t wait for the weather in NL and it paid off for all involved!

Bill Dicks and Andrew Meadus toughed out the weather and the wind to safely complete the Match and thus earn their Black Badge Certification.  Monty was keen enough to bring out his enclosed trailer and this certainly makes things much more bearable in the windy, unpredictable weather!  THANKS AGAIN MONTY!!!!!

The match results are here:  IPSCNL Match Scores June 10th

Great job everyone.  Here are some photos and video for your enjoyment.

Rick Crane

Lunch break

Always more comfortable in the trailer for loading ammo and eating.


Andrew on Short Stage

John on Short Stage

Rick on Long Stage

Rick (left) presenting Bill D (right) his New Black Badge

Rick presenting Andrew his New Black Badge


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Rick Crane

Hello folks, I'm just a regular guy that enjoys the action shooting sports. I participate in Steel Challenge and IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). It's all great fun and I encourage folks to go to your local range and give it a try.

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