Archive for February, 2017

IPSC Match for Feb 18th – Cancelled [Memberships are started for 2017]

REMINDER of THE ST. JOHN’S ROD AND GUN CLUB AGM! This years AGM will be held at the Elks Club, Carpasian Road on Thursday, 23 February 2017 from 7-10 pm. It is very important for our club to be run well in order to keep everyone safe on the range and progress with improvements. For this to happen, we need a strong Executive. Please consider running for a position. The positions of President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors are elected each year. I have been nominated for a position on the Executive and any support is appreciated for the election process.  I’m not sure if other IPSC members have been nominated as well. Hello folks, Unfortunately Mother Nature has not been kind to us at all so far in 2017. The Match that was scheduled for tomorrow is cancelled. It just isn’t feasible to try and go set up a few stages that will be up to our knees in snow. That being said – I am still trying to organize a Match indoors, to see how that would go. We need to get into the shed to see what materials we could take from there to help with an indoor match.  I believe that we have enough resources to set up indoors and make it happen. I’m planning on heading over to Complete Gun Repairs this afternoon to check on something and will get more info. Regardless, I’m sure that everyone is practising their ‘dry fire’ routines at home and will be ready when we finally get a chance to shoot outdoors. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me! p.s. Membership forms can be printed from the website and submitted to the email identified on the forms. Rick Crane Section Coordinator IPSCNL

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International Practical Shooting Confederation
We are the International Practical Shooting Confederation