IPSC NL RSO Course May 14th & 15th , 2016

Good Day IPSC Members , We will be putting off an RSO course this weekend. We have 5-6 confirmed students so far and there are limited seats still available. If anyone is interested in taking this two day course please email membership@ipscnl.ca or use the “contact us” section on our website. I will email you the course material in advance once you confirm your attendance. Here are the details for this weekend. The RSO course will be held May 14-15 at Hangar 5 on RCAF Road. Enter hangar via walkway on left side to doors closest to field side of hangar. 9:00AM Sharp – 4:30PM both days. There are 6 CLOSED book exams based on the rule book. 50% pass mark is required on all exams to qualify. Print and review the handout attached – bring it and a pen to the course with you. We will order in lunch or bring your own, your choice. Coffee and tea are available on site. Peter Savage

IPSC NL May 14th , 2016 Match Reminder.

Good Day , The first match of the season scheduled for Saturday May 14th 2016, is a GO. Set up starts at 8:00am and the first shot will be fired at 10:00 am sharp. The stages have been designed for an easygoing match , just enough to get the cobwebs of your shooting gear.. 🙂 We hope to see you at the range! Thanks , John

IPSC NL 2016 Season Is Starting Soon!

Good Day IPSC NL Members, Mother Nature is finally starting to get on board and allow us to start another exciting year of competitive shooting . (we hope..:). The first match is scheduled for May 14th , at 10:00am and a BBQ lunch will be included. We also have an executive meeting scheduled for May 1st to plan the stages to kick it off in fine style. For more details on when upcoming matches are scheduled, click on the events tab on the top of the main web page or click on the “Match Schedule” tab . As previously communicated , this year will have a mix of Saturday and Sunday matches as well as Thursday practice nights so it should be a litle more flexible for everyone. For all the paid up members, we will be sending out your new 2016 membership cards this comming week. For those who have not yet paid your renewal, please fill out an application and send it in with your annual fee of $70.00. You can also send Email Money transfers now to : membership@ipscnl.ca. If there are any questions please contact us at membership@ipscnl.ca at anytime. We hope to see you at the range on May 14th! Thanks , John Pinto Membership Coordinator .

FOR SALE Para ordnance P 14 45 Cal.

Para ordnance P 14 45 Cal. made in Canada.  13 shot automatic.  Gun was purchase new in 1995 and was purchased to shoot IPSC. Gun was sent for tuning and had new barrel/slide and compensator as well as competition tuned trigger installed.  As well gun received a checkered frame , etc. stainless slide helper and scope mount and scope. Total invested for this gun was $3600 and gun has not fired more than 10 boxes of cartridges.  Gun also comes with three thirteen shot mags that have been pinned to legalize, as well as a leather holster, quick draw holster and mag holder. Gun is registered and has been stored and well maintained but has not been shot in over ten years.  Price $2200. Please contact Mike at 709-437-1952 or 709-466-7407 for more information.  

2016 IPSC NL Match Schedule

2016 Match Schedule IPSC NL
Hello Fellow Shooters, The following is the intended shooting schedule for our IPSC NL Matches for 2016. As you will notice, we have booked some Saturdays and some Sundays to allow more shooters to participate.  Some shooters may not be able to make the Saturday-only matches.  We are starting in May and continuing through to October.  In previous years, we had planned for matches every 3rd weekend throughout the year – equalling 17 matches.  By alternating our match days and adding the Thursday evenings; we have the opportunity to shoot 20 times in our best weather.  We all know how the weather affects our ability to shoot here in NL and prior to this year we rarely shot more than 10 matches throughout the year.  We certainly hope that this allows for an increased participation from the membership.   You will notice that there are some Thursday evenings booked throughout the summer; especially in the lead up to the IPSC Nationals.  The Nationals are being hosted in Halifax, Nova Scotia this year from July 27th-August 1st.  Here is the link to the official website site.  2016 IPSC Canadian Nationals.  See the webpage for complete details.  This is certainly exciting for our NL shooters.  The Thursday evening may just be used for practice sessions amongst the shooters that participate or we can certainly run a few stages on those evenings.  We did this last year and it can certainly be expanded this year. The IPSC NL Provincials are scheduled for June 24th-26th at the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club.  This is one month before the Nationals.  We will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the conclusion of the Provincials, as outlined in our constitution for IPSC NL. We will soon be announcing the dates for a Range Officer (RO) Course as well as a Black Badge Course.  Stay tuned for that – more shooters and more RO’s is always a good thing. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Executive Committee though either of our Social Media outlets listed above.  Someone will respond to you ASAP
Month   Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
May   19th   14th 29th
June   2nd, 16th, 30th   11th  
June IPSC NL Provincials 24th 25th 26th
July   14th   9th 24th
August   18th   13th 21st
September       10th 25th
October       15th  
Sub-Totals   6   6 5
Provincials     1 1 1
Total Shooting Days 20 6 1 7 6

Welcome Back IPSC NL Members For The 2016 Shooting Season!

Good Day IPSC NL Members , Welcome back to another exciting IPSC shooting season.  We have lots of new and exciting things happening this year at IPSC NL including more frequent matches , rotating Saturday and Sunday matches , a Black Badge and Range Officer courses. We are also planning on sending a team to this years IPSC Nationals that will be held in NS (space is limited).  Stay tuned for more details in the coming days . It is also this time of year to send in your IPSC NL membership fees that are are now due for the 2016 shooting year.  Remember , if you plan on participating in the Nationals this year you will need to have your Annual IPSC NL dues paid as well as the Nationals competition fees paid up no later than Feb 20th, 2016 in order to hold a place at the nationals. check out the 2016 IPSC Nationals website here:  ipscnationals2016.ca  You can click the link below to print of a copy of the membership application or visit our website to obtain a PDF copy.   

IPSC Membership Application

Also you will see on the application and our website, that the clubs mailing address has changed . All correspondence should now be mailed to : 3 Damien St. Paradise NL A1L 0J7

Applications can also be emailed to:  membership@ipscnl.ca

As an added convenience for our members, we are now accepting Email Money Transfers (EMT) payments.  If you would like to use the EMT feature pay your annual Membership Fee, you can log into your personal banking and send your payment to : membership@ipscnl.ca

Saturday Dec. 12th Match Has Been Cancelled Due To Weather

Good Day, The Match scheduled for this weekend, Dec 12th, 2015 has been cancelled due to the winter weather forecast. We are working with the SJRG on the new 2016 match schedule that will start in the spring this year which will include more frequent matches, possibly rotating every second week, alternating on Saturday & Sunday. Stay tuned for more information on that. Also, any qualified IPSC members interested in taking the RO training course that will be offered in the new year, can email us at membership@ipscnl.ca . We are just waiting on a confirmed date from the RO instructor.   Thanks , John

IPSC NL Non-Sanctioned Match Oct. 31st , 2015

Good Day Everyone, We have a match scheduled for Saturday Oct 31st however with this being Halloween weekend, we have a lot of members committed to events and are not able to attend Saturday’s match. Considering  this, Rick Crane & I are still planning to head out to the range tomorrow at 9:30am to set up a friendly course of fire just to get the smell of gun powder in the air and get the competitiveness flowing . We are looking at a 3-4 stages set up (see attached) .  We will set up at 10:00am and plan to start the practice around 11:00. Any help setting up will be greatly appreciated.  I will put the BBQ & Coffee on for anyone interested (free of charge of course). Also as this will be a non-sanctioned IPSC match , there will be no fees for Saturday’s practice day. We hope to see you at the range! Thanks , John   Oct 31st IPSC STAGE

2016 IPSC NL Winter Air Soft (Indoor) Training

Good Day IPSC NL Members , We are down to the last few matches for 2015 season and the weather is starting to turn colder. As many of you know , in Newfoundland , we continue to practice shooting over the winter months on Range C however the weather certanily plays havoc on attendance. This year we are looking for your feedback on the level of interest for Indoor IPSC Air Soft Training.  We started this unofficially last year and have acquired a lot of the scaled down props such as poppers , plates walls , drop spinner targets, etc. and this proved to be a lot of fun. We use the same rules as IPSC and the Air Soft guns we used were very accurate and realistic. We are currently in the process of looking for an indoor “heated” space for this year’s winter season and in order to get a good feel on the size of space required , we would ask that you drop us an email at membership@ipscnl.ca  to let us know if you are interested in participating in 2016. If any one has any questions or requires more info , please contact us anytime at membership@ipscnl.ca . DVC

Tony Mackey Memorial Shoot Saturday Oct 10th , 2015 – Reminder

Good Day IPSC Members, This is a reminder that this weekends IPSC Match will be cancelled due to the Tony Mackey Memorial Shoot which is scheduled for Oct. 10th at 10:00am. Match fees are $10 (minimum, plus whatever donation you would like to make) and all proceeds will be donated to the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club For any IPSC NL members that are not able to attend the match, but still wish to make a donation on behalf of Tony you can send an Electronic Email Transfer (EMT) payment to membership@ipscnl.ca and we will forward your donation to the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club as per the Mackey family wishes. DVC ————————————– From the IDPA Website: Sponsored and organized by IDPANL, this is an event in recognition and memoriam of our late friend and fellow club member Tony Mackey, who passed away this past January. As well as making a number of significant contributions to the St John’s Rod & Gun Club, and especially to the development of the rifle and pistol events and facilities, Tony really enjoyed cowboy action shooting. And for good reason! It is a lot of fun. This will be primarily a steel shoot, for ease of scoring and target setting, with a minimum of paper targets. For those of you who have never participated in cowboy action shooting, it is similar to 3 gun but with a minimum of movement and styled in the fashion of the Wild West. Participants are encouraged to wear period costume, including cowboy hats, boots, etc. Stages are themed, and typically full of good humor. Firearms are center fire revolver (single action only, or double action fired in single action mode), lever action rifles, and single or double barreled shotguns (or Winchester 1897 pump actions). If you do not own a firearm of this kind, don’t worry. There will be plenty available. Just bring ammunition. Cast lead or soft point rifle ammunition (.30-30 Win is widely used) and 12 GA lead birdshot (no steel shot), please. Coastal Outdoors sometimes has cowboy action specific ammunition in stock. Match fees are $10 (minimum, plus whatever donation you would like to make) and all proceeds will be donated to the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club per the wishes of the Mackey family. The shoot is open to all members of the St. John’s Rod & Gun Club and their guests. It is scheduled for Saturday, October 10, with a start time of 10 AM.

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